Forteresses spirituelles

There are 2 kingdoms in existence. The Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness, which are the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Satan. These Kingdoms are at war with each other. God’s kingdom is for helping people and Satan’s is for harming people. These Kingdoms influence the world and people. As followers of Jesus we want to oppose the work of the kingdom of darkness and bring God’s kingdom here on earth as in heaven (Colossians 1:12-13, Ephesians 5:8, 6:12, Acts 26:18). In a previous blog: spiritual armory, I talked about how we are equipped to battle the kingdom of darkness. In this blog I will look at how the enemy forces exist and operate strongholds to impact our world. Once this is understood we can effectively destroy strongholds of the enemy (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Enemy Strongholds

Strongholds are a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack. The enemy builds and maintains strongholds to advance and maintain their influence in the world. They operate in an organized fashion in a hierarchal structure. Their desire is have influence and establish their kingdom in countries, regions, cities, neighborhoods, families and individuals (Daniel 10:12-21). They build their strongholds through the sins of people. Some specific ways they do this is through establishing the worship of themselves in various forms and unforgiveness. They maintain their strongholds through continued unconfessed & unrepentant sin, unbroken curses and by hiding their influence (Matthew 18:21-3, 1 Cor 10:20, Deuteronomy 28,30).

Destroying Strongholds

The following is a short guide on how to go about destroying strongholds. Please note that although there is an order given here, it is likely that all of the points can be simultaneously happening and be an ongoing process within larger communities.

  1. Identify the Stronghold: Identifying the stronghold can happen generally in 2 ways: Holy Spirit given knowledge & Godly Wisdom and Observation. In either case you will want know what type of stronghold is present in the community (country, region, city, neighborhood, family or individual). For example a city could have high suicided rates, which could mean a stronghold of depression caused by lack of community care. The identification is likely correlated to an ongoing issue in the community. The key here is to identify the root cause of why that stronghold exists. There also could be curses over the community from a long time ago or more recent past (Numbers 22:25).

  2. Destroy the Stronghold:

    1. Start with praying for the community. When in prayer make sure to: pray against the stronghold (binding the work of the enemy or smashing their influence) and pray blessing on the community. You can go on prayer walks around the area (Joshua 6:1-5).

    2. Take practical Holy Spirit inspired direction to bring down the stronghold. This could be sharing the gospel in that community, providing food or water or some other practical help for those in need.

  3. Expel the Enemy: Once the root issues and stronghold(s) are dealt with the enemy can be expelled. This requires specifically commanding the demon(s) to leave (Mark 5:1-17).

  4. Bring the Light of Jesus: Speak truth & bring life to that community which fills the areas that the enemy and their stronghold occupied. Fill the community with the light of Jesus. This could be starting Bible study groups, having worship events, time of testimony and etc (Matthew 5:14-16).

The Kingdom of light is far more grand and powerful than the kingdom of darkness. It will always prevail in any direct combat, the kingdom of darkness is far inferior. As such the enemy tries to avoid direct conflict and will use misdirection, hiding and being sneaky as much as possible. Be mindful of this (2 Corinthians 11:14).

The Holy Sprit is always there to help.

