Dealing with Bad Behaviors, Bad Habits, Bad Thoughts, Bad Feelings & Traumas 

When dealing with bad behavior or bad habits, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Often problematic behavior can be attributed to not feeling/experiencing being loved and accepted (Hosea 4:6, Ephesians 3:14-21, John 14:15, 1 John 4:7-21)

  2. Often outward detrimental behavioral patterns or bad habits come from a deeper root issue or lack of a good root (knowledge of truth)! (Hebrews 12:15, Romans 11:16, 1 Timothy 6:10)

Receiving Love

How you can receive love takes many forms! You may receive love better in some ways than others. The following are some ways that you can receive love:

  • Receiving Gifts (James 1:17, Matthew 7:11)

  • Physical Contact (John 13:22-25, Matthew 19:14-15, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13)

  • Encouragement (Hebrews 10:23-25, Acts 15:32, Romans 15:4-6)

  • Spending Time with Others (John 14:15-31, Matthew 17:1, Mark 14:32-33)

  • Being Served (John 13:4-9, Mark 10:45, Matthew 25:44-45, Hebrews 6:10) 

Surrounding yourself with people who will love you will benefit you, and don’t be afraid to ask for people to show you love! Make it a practice to show these forms of love to one another! Most of all, remember that God has and will continue to show His love for you! Receive it!

Traiter la racine

When dealing with the root, it is good to think of one’s life as a garden (see image below). In that garden there can grow weeds (bad behavior) or plants of benefit (good behavior). When dealing with weeds you don’t just cut the top off or the leaves, otherwise it will just grow right back. Instead you take them out by the root! Often the root of a problem is a wrong belief or lack of knowledge of the truth that needs to be addressed. An example could be that someone has a tendency to be mean to others. Telling them to stop being mean or enacting punishment is like clipping the weed. The root there is probably some form of hurt or lie that needs to be addressed. The Holy Spirit knows the root of your problem! Ask Him to walk you through your garden and point out what needs to go! The amazing thing is He will remove it if you want it gone! (Mark 11:15-18, Matthew 7:17-20, Hebrews 12:15) Dealing with these root issues will be examined in more detail in the section on Soul Health.