
The ultimate book is the Holy Bible

Here are some other ones that are highly recommend

Listed by topic

For establishing a solid knowledge base it is recommend to read books in the following topical order:

1. God & Relationship with Him

2. Identity & Believing

3. Mental & Emotional Health

4. Christian Living

5. Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance from Demons

6. Mission Work

God & Relationship with Him

Pursuit of God - A.W Tozer

Knowledge of the Holy - A.W Tozer

Practicing the presence of God - Brother Lawrence

Identity & Believing

Awake to Righteousness - Mark Greenwood

The Power of Right Believing - Joseph Prince

Really Really Free - Curtis Hartshorn

Mental & Emotional Health

Soul Care - Rob Reimer

Feelings and Faith: Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life - Brian Borgman

Christian Living

Humility & Absolute Surrender - Andrew Murray

Pilgrim’s Progress - John Bunyan

The bait of Satan - John Bevere

Pride versus Humility - Derek Prince

Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance from Demons

Pulling down strongholds - Derek Prince

They shall expel demons - Derek Prince

Mission Work

Mountain Rain - Eileen Crossman, James Fraser

Chasing the Dragon - Jackie Pullinger

God’s Smuggler - John & Elizabeth Sherill, Andrew

Hudson Taylor - Hudson Taylor

Gladys Aylward - Christine Hunter, Gladys Aylward

George Muller: Delighted in God - Roger Steer, George Muller

Peace Child - Don Richardson

Bruchko: The Astonishing True Story of a 19 Year Old - Bruce Olson

D.L. Moody - Bonnie Harvey

Bible Validation

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Revised Edition: A New Translation - Michael O Wise, Martin G. Abegg Jr., Edward M. Cook

Can I really trust the Bible? - Barry Cooper


50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith - Warren W. Wiersbe

From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya: A Biographical History of Christian Missions, Second Edition - Ruth A. Tucker

Parenting & Working with Kids

The 5 Love Languages of Children - Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell

How to Really Love Your Child, Revised and Updated - Ross Campbell